Small Company Internet Advertising Fundamentals- What You Should Get Going

01/29/2014 23:13

Small enterprise internet marketing is no t about building a domain and "they will come". They can only come after you get into the practice of working on your web site constant ly.

First your web site must contain keyword s, but if you sell shoes, you have to understand that if some one puts the word shoes into a browser, millions of results will come up. Here' s where long tail keyword s come in, which are essentially phrases that some body will put into a browser, as an exampl e "leather shoes". So if you have leather shoes as a keyword you 're going to be somewhere in the result. Long -tail keyphrase s are vital in getting found on the internet and Google offer s a keyword tool that you can use for free to find these often-used phrases.

If you put in the words "leather shoes", Google will display a list of phrases built around that phrase and also tell you how often a specific phrase is us ed on a monthly basis. It ' s a good free tool to start out with, but there are other, better keyword finders that can be used, but you have got to pay for them. The Google keyword tool will return phrases like "red leather shoes", "where to buy leather shoes" etc, and it i s up to you to decid e which long tail keyword phrases to use. It ' s best to go for somewhere in mid range of search phrases, say three thousand to 6,000 / month, any amount of searches larg er than that may have too much competition. Your aim is to get on page one of Google's search results which is not very easy, notwithstanding what a lot of marketing "gurus" tell you.

Google likes web sites that are continual ly updated and contain applicable content. So get into the habit of writing at least a 500 word article every day or so, which is keyword-rich. Use your keywords inside the first few words of your initial part and again in the closing paragraph. Depend ent on the length of the essay, use the phrase two times more. If you ' re employing advertising thr ough Google Adwords, this can also help Google to serve tighter targeted advertising to your web site.

Then there are backlinks. These are the curse of any website owner. There isn't any easy method to get around building good applicable back links. Do n't ever consider buy ing back links from a link farm, Google knows all about them and will ignore them and can even penali se you for them. There are no Wordpress plug i ns for building backlinks, only ones that get you back links thr u "do follow" blogs.

Article marketing is a g ood way to get back links as most article director i es permit you to have one link out to your website, so again, you wi ll have to be prepared to submit helpful and relevant articles, either directly to an article marketing site, or to several thru a "hub" which will distribute your articles to several sites for you. This does no t cost lots and c an be time-saving way of doing it.

Small internet business marketing involves lots of other methodologie s we can' t cover here but the above points are the most significant and least expensive for getting started.samll business internet marketing